Crocodile Rock

This page contains general information about the song "Crocodile Rock". For information on a particular performance of this song, click on a performance link in the table below.

[back to top] Performances & Results

# Season Episode / Theme Slot Contestant Approval Rating σ Result
38083 Final 9
Elton John
Stevens JohnJohn Stevens
17 2Safe

[back to top] Summary

"Crocodile Rock", with its distinctive calliope-like organ riff, was Elton John's first #1hit in the U.S.  As with most of John's upbeat numbers, it features several big jumps in pitch and requires a very wide range.  Only John Stevens in AI3 has attempted this number in the competition, and the results were not pretty (but see its performance page for an explanation of how it rated out as high as a 9).

What We Thought

Even if "Crocodile Rock" had no history on Idol, we would urge contestants to stay far away from it.  It contains at least three deathtraps: a bubblegum song, a highly distinctive vocal by the original artist, and a falsetto.  After what happened to Stevens, "Rock" heads our Under No Circumstances Whatsoever list.  If you make it to the Final 3, and by some sick joke Clive Davis or one of the judges assigns you this song, we suggest you call in sick. copyright © 2007-2024, The WNTS Team.  All rights reserved.  Use of this website implies that you accept our Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy.  American Idol is a registered trademark of 19 TV Ltd.  We are not affiliated in any way with American Idol, Fox Television, FremantleMedia North America, or any of their parent or subsidiary companies.