
Here in the library, you'll find archives of all our editorials, our most recent database articles, plus a variety of random essays, tutorials and special features, covering Idol subjects far and wide. It's also your gateway to two of our ongoing projects: the ever-irreverent Camp Should-A-Been, and the always-intriguing Idolmetrics. We add content to this section regularly, so check back often.
In This Section
...A crash course for new visitors on how to navigate the website, and how to read and understand the performance ratings.
...A list of the most recent feature articles and database summaries on the site.
...A complete archive of past home page editorials and essays.
...For making good song choices on American Idol.
...The story of how readers helped us complete the ratings for Season One – the final piece of the puzzle for our database. Also check out the results of the Season One Trivia Challenge that we held on the day the ratings were announced.
...Studying the science of survival on American Idol. Essays, links, outside research, and other esoterica about the multitude of factors that go into America's weekly voting decisions, all collected in one very geeky place. This is also where you'll find the latest status report on our ongoing Fill In The Blanks project.
...Every ten years or so, it's time for a good late-spring cleaning. After AI10, the WNTS Math Department undertook a massive re-calculation of every approval rating so that performances from later years (when the viewing audience was more diverse making very high or low scores much harder to come by) are on a more equal footing with earlier seasons. Click through for the full story and the introduction of gold, silver and bronze to the WNTS color palette.
...What if America really did vote solely on performance rather than popularity?
- The Staff of