About WhatNotToSing.com
WhatNotToSing.com is the Internet's most comprehensive public reference site on American Idol, from Season One to the present. You'll find information in our database on every episode, every contestant, every song, and every performance, from the earliest semifinals through the season finales. Everything is cross-referenced and cross-linked, so you can easily find exactly what you're looking for.

In addition, every performance is rated on a scale of 0 to 100 (or from one star to five stars if you prefer), based on an extensive sampling of reviews and opinions from across the Web. We collect data after every episode from online news outlets, professional music critics, blogs, forums, boards, chat rooms, and polls. Then we crunch the numbers to produce a consensus rating of each performance – 50 is average, 90 or above is very strong (fewer than one performance in thirty scores that high), and anything under 10 is...well, you know.
Beginning in AI7, we'll have "overnight" ratings posted on our home page after every performance episode, with "final" ratings following a few days later. We'll also check in every week with editorials and analysis on the current season and interesting discussions of historical trends.
For more information, check out the links below or just browse the site and enjoy.
More About Us
...Who we are, how Project WNTS got started, and what all these funny numbers and symbols throughout the site mean.
...Everything you'd ever want to know (and quite a bit that you don't) about the WhatNotToSing.com performance rating system.
...For information about advertising on WhatNotToSing.com, or for obtaining republication rights or custom reports from our extensive performance database.
...Authors, writers, bloggers and fans: Contribute articles to our database/encyclopedia and be immortalized forever, or for at least as long as we remember to pay our web hosting bill.
...Please read this before you copy any of our content onto other websites, forums, or blogs!
...The short and sweet WhatNotToSing.com Privacy Policy.
...Questions, comments, errors, suggestions? Here's how to get in touch with the staff.
Nadia Turner and Lindsey Cardinale,
whose beauty and talent unfortunately couldn't overcome some truly terrible song choices.